Wednesday, May 29, 2013

What's Up Wednesday!

I had lots of fun doing last week's What's Up Wednesday, so I'm linking up with Jaime Morrow's blog and doing it again!

What I’m Reading
This past weekend, I reread the first two books in Cassandra Clare’s Infernal Devices series, Clockwork Angel and Clockwork Prince. (I literally did nothing all Memorial Day Weekend but sit on the couch and read.) Since the books are pretty long and their release dates are spaced out, I tend to reread the previous book(s) before the newest one comes out, just to refresh my memory. I just bought the final book in the series, Clockwork Princess, and now I’m finally ready to read it!

What I’m Writing
I’m finishing up an eight page outline for my new WIP, and my commitment issues are kicking in. I’m coming up with new ideas and tons of reasons not to write this manuscript. This is why I normally write short stories. Starting a novel seems like SUCH a huge commitment (even though I’ve written novel-length manuscripts before), and I’m procrastinating hardcore. I really love the short story I’m expanding on in this novel, and one of my fears is that I’m going to wind up disliking it by the time I’m done. I also have a tendency to leave projects unfinished, which I really don’t want to do. I need to set up a writing schedule. Any tips?

What Inspires Me Right Now
Clearly I’m searching for inspiration to start this novel, so if anyone has some…send it my way! What motivates you to write, even when it’s difficult?

What Else I’ve Been Up To
Working 8-5 Monday through Thursday. Haircut (I got bangs!). Rewatching all six seasons of LOST. Being reunited with my Gilmore Girls obsession.

What's up with you this Wednesday?


  1. I have CLOCKWORK PRINCESS sitting on my shelf right now, and I really need to get to it already. I loved the other two, so I'm not sure what's holding me back. The size maybe?

    When I started writing my story, I set out a daily writing goal for myself of 1000 words at least five days a week. That really helped me get through a first draft. It was tough some days, but most the time it was just exhilarating just to meet that goal. Once I hit that 1000 word mark I could either keep on writing, or walk away for the day without feeling guilty. I find that having someone to keep you accountable is great as well. My CP and I swap 300 new words six days a week just to make sure that we're keeping at it. This changes a bit when it comes to revisions, but we still make sure that we let the other person know what we accomplished that day. So far it's working really well! For me, reaching a goal is great motivation and inspiration. :-)

    I need to follow your lead and reunite myself with Gilmore Girls. I have all the seasons on DVD, so I just need to do it.

    1. The size of Cassandra Clare's books is definitely daunting. I always look at them and think it'll take me forever to read them, but then I get sucked in and fly through them! :)

      I love the idea of setting up a required word count. I really need to hold myself accountable when I write. I've always had trouble outlining a structure for my writing time...when to write, how much to write. I'm definitely going to try your idea!

  2. Oh my goodness, Clockwork Princess is AMAZING!!! I love it so, so much. Such a perfect conclusion to the series. I'm excited to hear to what you think when you finish.

    Gilmore Girls and LOST, both are such great shows. You have good taste, my friend! I can say this with authority because everything you mentioned here, I also love, and since I have good taste, you must, too!

    I just started my first novel yesterday after a few months of planning while finishing up Grad school. I'm not un-motivated yet, but I'm sure that will come, so when you find something that works, let us all know. I'm sure your experience will help others!

    1. Why thank you! I like to think I have good taste. :)

      I have one hour left at work and am DYING to get home to start Clockwork Princess!

      Did you go to grad school for writing or something different? I'm starting grad school in the fall, going for an MFA in creative writing. I'm just not ready to be in the real world yet, so I'm sticking with school!

    2. I got my Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy. I didn't discover my desire to write until I was halfway through my degree, past the point of no return. I love it, but a big part of me wishes I had a degree in writing. I'm hoping I can still learn enough on my own to eventually get published, but I'm sure I'll be taking some individual classes in the future.
      And I'm so not ready for the real world yet, either. But I am so done with school. Therapy is draining and I am stocked to be done. I have another 6.5 weeks off before I go back to work and I'm trying hard to make the most of it!
      Good luck starting Grad School! I hope you enjoy it!

  3. I might have some inspiration for you Monday. I'm kind of in the same boat and need to get moving on my new story!

    Good luck!

    1. Good luck to you too! :) Hopefully we both find some inspiration.

  4. I don't know that I have any writing schedule tips other than "write!"--and that's a bit lame. Sorry! But I need to write more short stories. Perhaps that will help me keep my fiction-writing cogs greased while I'm thinking through the issues with my WIP.

    1. Before I went to college, I only wrote novel-length stories. Now short stories come so much more naturally to me, which I never thought I'd say! They're easier to handle in a way, but you have to choose your words carefully because you only have so many.

      Good luck!

  5. *waves* I am hopping from Jaime´s blog :D Can you believe I´ve actually never read any of the Cassandra Clare´s books?

    It´s on my very veryyyy long TBR list...

    1. I definitely recommend them! They suck you in right away. And she has some GREAT bad boys (aka. bad-boys-that-are-actually-good-guys-who-just-have-complicated-lives-and-lots-of-angst). :)

  6. I'm your complete opposite - a pantser who runs away from outlines like they are hungry wolves ^^; And I don't really do schedules either... although I am trying to write 500 words a day for my new WIP while I'm busy at work. I just say get something down whenever you can, however you can.

    Good luck!

    1. It's funny, because when I write short stories I'm a TOTAL pantser! I never know the ending, sometimes I don't even know what the story is about until drafts two, three, four... But with longer projects, I have a history of starting and running out of ideas at page 50. So I like to know where I'm going, even if lots of things change during the actual writing process.

      Good luck to you too!

  7. I've never read any of Cassandra Clare's books, but everyone raves about them so maybe I need to get in on the action!

    I'm seconding Jaime's tip--set a goal for each day, big or small. The last time I was drafting, I gave myself pretty big goals of 2000 words a day, sometimes more, sometimes less, but that stressed me out a bit. This time I'm giving myself the goal of feeling like I've done a good job that day, whether I wrote 1000 words or 100. I think it's important not to be too hard on yourself--and also to take at least one day off writing a week, to have a little relaxing time :) good luck!

    Oh, LOST...I need to rewatch, I miss it, crazy as it was!

    1. I'm realizing more and more that I need goals to keep me going. I'm planning on starting small and seeing how that works.

      LOST was the best, wasn't it? I always felt so confused at the end of every episode, but I loved how much it made me think! It's so fun rewatching it and picking up on new things I missed before. :)

  8. An eight page outline? I am super jealous -- I could never do something that formal! My brainstorming and planning tends to be looser, but that works well for me because then I feel like there's enough freedom to change things as I go along. Schedule-wise ... I always give myself two days to write each chapter. Sometimes it's split evenly, sometimes it's way off balance, sometimes it's a longer chapter, sometimes it's a normal-length one. I find that setting WC goals boxes me in, so this way I still have structure but also, again, some freedom. More than anything, though - especially with this WIP - I just let myself have fun with it :)

    1. Haha you're giving my outline too much credit. There are blocks that say: Chapter 14...something happens here...which leads to something else...I'll think of this eventually. I just need a rough idea of all the gears that will keep the story turning so I don't lose the story halfway through.

      I'm glad you're having so much fun with this WIP. I can't wait to read it!!!

  9. The first two Infernal Devices books are sitting on my bedside table screaming at me to read them already. I really enjoyed the Mortal Instruments series, so I'm eager to give these a go too.

    As far as tips for making a writing schedule, I'm afraid I don't have much to offer. I tend to write at ungodly hours of the night, which obviously doesn't work for everyone. I'll just echo Jaime's advice about setting a realistic daily word count for yourself. Good luck!

    1. I love the Infernal Devices! I'm starting to think I enjoy them more than the Mortal Instruments, believe it or not. I love the first three TMI books, but four and five (soon to be six) have been a little too much for me. I love the cast of characters in the Infernal Devices, and you pick up tidbits from Mortal Instruments in it (last names, family histories, lots of Magnus Bane).

      I hope you enjoy them!

  10. Yay for Gilmore Girls and LOST-- both such classics. Hmmm, advice for writing is tough. I often find there's something I feel like I SHOULD be writing and something else that I'd actually LIKE to be writing. More often than not I find myself dawdling over the "should" project when I really should be writing what's inspiring me in the moment. So, my long-winded advice is to pick up the writing you're most passionate about the moment and work on it. Don't judge yourself if you fail to finish it before working on something else. Just write. And write. And keep writing. :0)

    1. That's great advice. I always have the problem of losing interest in projects and wanting to start new ones, so I try to go where my heart is! Worst comes to worst, I'll have lots of half-done stories I can revisit later when I decide I love them again. :)
