Monday, June 23, 2014

Ready. Set. WRITE! (Week 3)

Ready. Set. WRITE! is a summer writing intensive hosted by Jaime Morrow, Erin Funk, Katy Upperman, and Alison Miller. Every Monday we post our progress toward the goals we made at the beginning. Here's my update for the week!

How I did on last week’s goals
I revised the chapters I wanted to (even though it meant staying up late!) and finished the epilogue to the best of my ability (I’m awful with endings, so it’s probably going to change twenty times).

My goals for this week
-Revise TNW chapters 15 and 16 (the last of my partial draft)
-Start second read-through of TNW and begin implementing some of the ideas/changes I made notes on during read-through #1.
-Write a scene (or short story?) to flesh out my newest story idea. Over the weekend I had a major writer brain-blast (Jimmy Neutron style!) and a mother/daughter pair of characters popped into my head, demanding I write their story. Um…guess I can’t deny them? ;)

A favorite line from my story OR one word/phrase that sums up what I wrote/revised
Sisterly loyalty. My narrator and her older sister have been growing apart in the section I’m revising, and I just got to a scene where they snap back together so strongly, it was magnetic. The unwavering loyalty these two girls have to each other in the lowest of times makes me proud. <3

The biggest challenge I faced this week
I kept saying to myself, “I’m almost done with this scene/these revisions…isn’t that close enough?” It was tough saying to myself, “NO! Finish it!” but I did it…at 11pm last night…

Something I love about my WiP

My newest story idea is a mother/daughter story. I love few things more than a good mother/daughter story. <3


  1. First off, congrats on meeting last week's goals! And as for endings, I'm total crap at them too, so I feel your pain lol. As for your Sisterly Loyalty summary, I love that whole coming back together thing after separation, whether it's a physical or emotional separation. I love reading these kinds of scenes and writing them too! Good luck this week, Kaitlin! :D

  2. I can see it now, when working with the new mother/daughter characters. "Oh, well ... if you insist. Of course I'll tell your story, too!"

    Sounds like you had a good week. And that you found an ending, even if it needs to be tweaked in the future.

  3. I'm also not great with endings so just finishing one is a win. You can always revise later! Way to go on sticking to your goals too.

  4. I love mother/daughter stories too! Good luck w/this week!

  5. I love strong mama/daughter relationships in stories. My last ms had very interesting twist on one. SO fun to write. :)

    And yay for revision progress! Hope you have another great week!

  6. Oh, I want details about this mother/daughter story idea!!

  7. I am having a mother-daughter epiphany as well, but one of them is flawed and I haven't decided which one and why. Sigh. So many ideas, so little time! Have a great week!
