Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Pitch Wars!

I've spent the past several months as a 2018 Pitch Wars mentee, working with the fantastic Jamie Howard on revising my manuscript, DROWN THE MERMAIDS, for the PW Agent Showcase. You can view my entry here.

I'm going to write a more detailed post on my Pitch Wars experience soon, but for now, let me just say it has been one of the best experiences of my writing life so far. Not only is my manuscript much stronger than it was last summer, but I've made so many wonderful friends in the writing community.

If you have a revised manuscript you want to take to the next level, I highly encourage you to consider submitting to Pitch Wars. The 2019 dates have not been announced yet, but I'll be sure to post them here once they are.

Happy writing!


  1. First of all, that excerpt was so evocative. I loved the way you contrasted the familiar and the safe with the exotic and the dangerous, especially how you equated the lure of the siren with the compliments of the swim coach. That's just such clever writing! Second of all, wow does Pitch Wars sound amazing. I am very new to all this as an aspiring author, and your blog was a fortuitous one to stumble across. Will definitely be a regular reader! (If I can figure out how to subscribe LOL. Technology is not my strong suit.)

  2. Love to read it,Waiting For More new Update and I Already Read your Recent Post its Great Thanks. artificial pitch resurfacing
